Saturday, April 2, 2011

2 month checkup

C had his 2 month checkup today. He weighed 11pds 12oz. That little booger gained 5 pounds and 3 inches since he was born! He has a little hernia on his belly that his doctor said should heal. We also switched back to Zantac for two reasons. 1. The Prevacid wasn't working any better than Zantac did. 2. The cost-Zantac $10/month and Prevacid $100/month. She didn't seemed pleased that because he was still hiccuping and gurgling I didn't think it was working. Well, I told all this to your nurse who should have told you and then you should have told me this was ok and to stay with it. But you didn't. You just gave me another perscription. Now that I know gurlging and hiccuping don't bother C but gagging and choking on milk and acid do I won't ask for a change in meds, ok? I just hope that it keeps working. My research shows it tends to stop working after a few weeks. Boo! This reflux stuff is for the birds. I am ready for him to outgrow it sooner rather than later. He also got 3 shots and an oral vaccine. I pray to God that he doesn't develop autism or childhood cancers that have been linked to vaccines. He screamed so hard when he got the shots. He turned beet red and held his breath. I picked him up and loved on him and he stopped crying. He just kinda softly cried and whimpered with his little bottom lip out. It was the saddest thing I have ever seen. Besides the day when I dropped my camera on his face and he screamed. I was very sad that day.

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