Saturday, January 1, 2011

Just for fun pregnancy survey.

Name? Tiffany
Age? 30 (yikes!)
Height? 5'4"
Pre-pregnancy weight? 224
About The Father: you should be jealous he is not your baby's daddy!
Name? P
Age? 29
Height? 5"11"
Are you still together? DUH!
About Your Pregnancy:
Is this your first pregnancy? yep.
When did you find out you were pregnant? memorial day weekend.
Was it planned? no, but we were letting God decide when the time was right for us.
What was your first reaction? I didn't believe it. I had to take another one the next morning to be sure. I still didn't really believe it until I got an official test at the doctors office.
Who was with you when you found out? P. I was alone at the doctors office.
Who was the first person you told? My big sister K
How did your parents react? VERY excited.
How far along are you? 36 weeks!
What was your first symptom? NAUSEA! That is what made me take a test.
What is your due date? 1/29/11
Do you know the sex of the baby? Yes
If so, what is it? a boy!!
Have you picked out names? yes. we had them picked before we got married.
If so, what are they? Cash Jacob (Zoe Elizabeth if it were a girl)
How much weight have you gained? 33 pounds so far.
Do you have stretch marks? actually I do! I didn't think I could get anymore!
Have you felt the baby move? yes, and it is amazing every time!
Have you heard the heartbeat? lots of times.
About the birth:Home or hospital birth? hospital
Natural or medicated birth? MEDICATED!
Who will be in the delivery room with you? P, my big and little sister.
Will you breastfeed? I'm going to do my darndest.
Do you think you'll need a c-section? Nah. I really hope I don't.
Will you cry when you hold the baby for the first time? Probobly. I am a crier.
What's the first thing you might say to him/her? I will probobly say hi!
Would you let someone videotape the birth? No, I don't want to see that later.
Are you excited about the birth, or scared? Very excited and nervous about the pain.

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