Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Mothers Resolutions

Lots of people on Facebook are talking about resolutions for the new year. I have never been the type of person to make resolutions. I know I will never keep them anyway and what's wrong with liking the way I am and not wanting to change anything? With this in mind I have decided to make some New mother resolutions. My parenting goals of sorts.

1. He will not know what McDonalds is. Kids don't like the food anyway. It's all about the Happy Meal toy and the playground.
2. I will feed him only organic meats and milk. I'm not going to say this is all he will ever eat but I will try. There is just too much crap in milk and meats these days. Organic fruits and veggies aren't that important but I will feed him these as much as I can also.
3. He will not drink soda.
4. He will not eat candy until he is older. I know I can't keep it from him forever but I am going to try. I don't want him to be one of those kids screaming for candy at the check out stand or getting cavities filled when they are 2.
5. He will know who God is and we will pray together. I will take him to church when I go.
6. If he is bad and we are supposed to do something fun that day, he WILL NOT go. There will be no rewards for him being bad. No matter what it is.
7. He will go to the dentist regularly. You only have one set of teeth and I don't want him to be scared of the dentist.
8. He will know how important it is to get an education. I will use my family as an example.
9. I will not buy him a car and he will pay his own insurance.
10. He will get a job when he is 16.
11. He will know how to put on a condom and our family will be open about sex. I will use my family as an example of what can happen when you have unprotected sex.
12. He will be doing chores all his life. None of this cleaning up after him while he plays.
13. Video game and TV time will be limited. He will play outside most of the time.
14. Each Christmas he will go through his room and pick several toys to donate to charity. There is no sense having so many toys.

Most of these I have come up with by watching other parents and learning from their mistakes.

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