Monday, January 10, 2011

13 weeks should do the trick!

So, I have a theory. Work gets more stressful before you are about to take time off. I don't know if it because you haven't taken vacation in a long time and it's due or you know that you are about to be off and you have given up mentally. Work for me last week and this week (so far) has been so bad. My boss is really getting on my nerves. She is always giving people days off when we really need them to work. She is constantly short staffing the unit. Today it was me and her until 8:30. What if I went into labor over the weekend? She would have been alone. She overstaffs the evening shift because they are idiots and short staffs the day shift because we are competant. She shits on the capable, smart people by giving us the sicker patients, more patients and constantly gripes at us if we don't get our patients out. Meanwhile, she admits patient for the idiots and draws blood for them set's up pain pumps and calls doctors for them. See what we get for being smart? Nothing. We get an increased work load. Maybe I should act stupid and be slow and act like I don't know what I'm doing. One of the better nurses is getting lazy too. She pulls little tricks just so she doesn't have to do things. She was leaving at change of shift one day. She could have discharged her patient but she was lazy and left it for the next shift. Today she took over 30 minutes to transfer a patient meanwhile I admitted 2 patients for her while she drug her feet and didn't even say thank you or attempt to help me with anything when she came back. I asked her to give IV pain meds and verify and order with a doctor. She didn't do any of them. LAZY. Needless to say I really need a vacation. 13 weeks should do the trick!

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