Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Waiting and waiting some more.

So, I'm 39 weeks along and C has no intentions of coming out anytime soon I'm afraid. At my 37 week doctors appointment I was having a couple of contractions a day. Now, maybe one a day. At my 38 week appointment I was dilated to a one but I'm afraid since I'm not having any more contractions that I'm probobly still a one when I go on Friday. He is getting so big he just kinda rolls on his side in my belly and I can still feel him hiccuping. I can't wait for him to be born. I want to snuggle him, and rock him, and give him kisses and smell that "baby" smell.

I think my nesting has begun. I've been cleaning a lot and trying to finish the never ending laundry. I'm about to start washing C's clothes. I'm only washing hats, socks, blankets, burp clothes, wash clothes, towels and all his 0-3 months clothes and it will probobly be two loads! I can't believe he has so many clothes! P and I installed both carseats today. Those things were kinda hard to figure out. They say 85% of carseats are installed wrong so we read all the instructions and those things aren't budging. It may be because they barely fit in the dang car! They take up a lot of room.

So, everything is ready for C's arrival but until then we will be waiting...

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