Saturday, January 15, 2011

Maternity Leave!

So, I wrote a big long blog the other day about how work was starting to tick me off. For some reason it didn't post. Oh well because I'm on maternity leave now!! It was such a freeing feeling leaving work yesterday. No more work for 13 weeks!! I got lots of hugs and good lucks and "hope the delivery goes smooth". I even got one kiss on the belly from B. I appreciated everything anyone said but I ran like I was being chased out of that place! It is so hard on me to work. One person (a man of course)asked me, "why don't you push it to the end?". Are you kidding? This is the end! I have less than 2 weeks left. How much more can I work? Getting up from those chairs at work hurts so bad and I can't stand all day. The procedures where I have to run back and forth takes all the energy I DON'T have. I feel guilty for sitting and doing nothing sometimes when other people are running around like crazy. I will be glad to do a normal job when I get back. I'm just not looking forward to being in charge and going back to taking call.

I'm going to enjoy every minute of my time off because you don't always get to take 3 months of work without it being a because of something bad happening. I already know it is going to go by way fast.

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