Friday, December 31, 2010

You don't get it.

My work is starting to tick me off. One of my favorite people that I work told me that since I am now getting 3 days a week off that some of my co-workers are talking trash. I promptly replied, "I don't care and they can kiss my ass." They have no idea how hard it is to be pregnant let alone being pregnant and working. I didn't even ask who it was because I already know and could care less. Today we were short staffed and I knew I was going to have to work more than I am used to but everytime I sat down this one person asked me to do something. I never said no because if she ever complains I will be able to say I never said no when someone asked me to do something. She asked me to push a bed today and I was about to say that I couldn't but my pal P told her, "she can't push that bed!". She didn't say anything back to him and I was laughing on the inside. See, she thinks I should be able to do everything that she can. Try gaining 33 pounds in 6 months. Try every time you get up from a chair your pelvis feeling like it is going to fall apart. Try peeing every 30 minutes. Try waking up at least 3 times a night to pee and your pelvis being so stiff that you can barely walk to the bathroom. Try everytime you lay on the couch your husband has to pull you up. Try peeing a little each time you sneeze. Try not being able to go grocery shopping without your back hurting so bad you can barely walk. Try barely being able to get out of your car. Try not being able to walk around the house without getting out of breath. Try all of those while WORKING. They don't understand and it really ticks me off. And you know what else? At least I am working 3 days still. I could not be working AT ALL and you would be even shorter staffed.

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