Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Another doctors appointment.

I think I finally figured out what was has been bugging my boy. Acid reflux. For the past 3 or more weeks, I can't really remember, C has had crying episodes of around 3 hours at a time. I say crying loosley because it's more of screaming & punching an scratching. Nothing soothes him. Not rocking, walking with him, swing, pacifer (I even got a new pacifer), gas drops, burping, changing and feeding him more than a newborn should ever eat. I thought it was gas. We decided to try Gentlease formula. Of course it didn't work. I posted this on Facebook as my status and so many parents commented on it. I guess a lot of parents deal with gas and fussiness in their babies. One person I went to high school with sent me a message and mentioned that he may have acid reflux. She sent me a link and had the signs and symptoms of acid refulx and C had almost all of them.
-a hoarse voice that I had noticed the day before
-cough which often leads to hiccups
-wet sounding burps
-frequent hiccups (he has them ALL the time)
-Poor sleep habits with frequent waking
He will want to eat all the time which make the acid go down which gives him a little instant relief.
He sounds like he has a bubble in his throat after eating.

We took him to the doctor today and she agreed. She also said it sounds like he has colic. She told us to keep him upright when eating and sleeping and for 30 minutes after eating to hopefully cut down on the acid. So far tonight he hasn't had a fussy or crying episode. If by Friday he isn't any better we will start him on reflux medicene. I think I will go ahead and have her start the medicene because it is hard work to keep him propped up all the time. Night time feedings are going to be harder too since he has to sit up for 30 minutes. The doctor said don't worry about training him to sleep in his bed right now until we get the acid reflux issues resolved.

Moral of the story: No sleep for Mama since he can't sleep in his bed or flat. Before I know it he will be all growed up :)

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