Monday, March 21, 2011


I love when C smiles at me. It makes my heart swell when I can make him smile. Even in his sleep I will hear him laugh, look over at him, and he is smiling away I can't help but smile. I love how he lights up when he sees me. He will start moving his feet around when P has him on the changing table and I put my face into his vision. I love how P can try to soothe him and rock him and he cries but as soon as he hands him to me he closes his eyes and relaxes. I love how C will be in his Rock-N-Play and he will just stare at me, like there is nothing else in the whole world that matters other than me at that moment. I love how when he cries and I held him close and whispered into his ear; "mama is here, it's ok" and he stops crying and relaxes. I love how I never get tired of holding him and even though he sleeps in his Rock-N-Play I still want to cuddle with him and listen to him breathe. He loves me I just know it.

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