Thursday, March 17, 2011

I'm one sad mommy.

Cash's reflux is not good. You think having a newborn is hard? Try having a newborn with acid reflux. They cry constantly, spit up, hiccup, gag on milk, can't be made happy no matter what you do, did I say cry? C was on Zantac and it took the crying away but not the other symptoms. We started Prevacid 4 days ago and it can take up to 2 weeks to take effect. The doctor said to call after 7 days if it doesn't start to work. I hope and pray to God that this one starts to work ASAP. I can't handle trying different meds and waiting and waiting for them to work. C is miserable and so am I. It is so hard to see your baby in pain and not be able to do anything about it. Tonight I just cried right along with him. He cries so hard it make me so mad. Sometimes eating is the only thing that makes the pain go away so he will eat and eat and eat until he pukes. We have to burp him every ounce or two and he screams until he gags in between burps. I have done lots of research and most babies out grow the reflux when they start to walk. I can't wait until then.

Another thing I don't want to happen is for C to have all the side effects that Prevacid can have: fussiness, gas, abdominal cramps, and insomnia being the most common. Today about an hour after I gave him the medicene he was crying and crying and crying. I think his belly was hurting. It hurts me so much to see him in pain.

And the Prevacid is $100.76 for a 2 month supply so it better work.

I'm just glad that this isn't something else and only reflux. He can have something more serious and I thank the Lord it isn't.

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