Friday, February 25, 2011

Unanswered Prayers

We went to visit P's parents today. I was in the mood for Garth Brooks on the long drive over. Unanswered Prayers is one of my favorite songs by him. The song is basically about how a guy was so in love with a girl when he was younger. He prayed that God would give him this girl and if he did he would never ask for anything ever again (how many times have you said that?). He wanted to be with this girl so bad but God didn't answer his prayers. Years later he sees this woman and he started to think how if God has answered his prayers he would never have met and married his wife and had the life he has now and he was very thankful for this unanswered prayer.

It got me thinking about a few prayers of my own that I am glad went unanswered. At the time you think it is the worst thing ever to happen to you but come to realize later in life that it was all in God's plan. One line from the song is "I guess the Lord knows what he's doin' after all".

Almost 3 years ago when I was burned out at my job I applied for a position in the OR in my hospital. At the time I thought I wanted to work there so bad but in reality I wanted to work anywhere but where I was working. I don't know what I was thinking. I would have had to re-sign a 2 year commitmant and that was after I completed a 9 month internship. I prayed that I would get the job. A week or so later I was told I didn't get the job and I cried and cried. If I would have gotten the job I wouldn't have gotten the job in PACU and then wouldn't have been transferred to PACU in our sister hospital. God had a better plan for me and he knew the OR wasn't where I needed to be. Being transferred broke my heart and I cried about that too, but something really good came from that. My new boss is way more flexible and understanding about things. Without her I wouldn't have been able to take off so much when I was pregnant, gotten the easiest job when I couldn't physically do my normal job and I can pretty much work when I want when I go back after my maternity leave.

Another time I remember praying so hard was when I was with my first love CO when I was 17. I was so in love with him it was insane. He was a little younger than me but he talked about marriage in the future and that made me love him even more. Then one day he broke up with me and broke my heart. I prayed so hard that he would change his mind, but he didn't. If God had answered that prayer I would have never met P and had our precious baby C. That is one prayer that I'm glad he didn't answer.

Here is the chorus:

"Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers
Remember when you're talkin' to the man upstairs
That just because he doesn't answer doesn't mean he don't care
Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers"

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