Sunday, March 20, 2011

Busy day

Today was one of my neices birthday party. C did really well! He didn't cry the whole time and let everyone hold him. He just looked around at everything. He got a bit sleepy and took a little nap even when people were talking all around him. It was hot so I kept worrying he was going to get overheated but he did ok. I felt like the worst mommy because I left his formula out of his diaper bag. Thank goodness my nephew gave me some of their formula or I would have had to drive into town and buy some. C did ok after that but tonight he ate 6 oz but spit up like 4 times after eating. The past 4 days he has been spitting up, usually once a day. The only thing I can think of is it's the prevacid he has been on. The prevacid gives him bad gas pains so I have been having to give him gas drops with every bottle. The past 2 nights he has slept really well and slept 4 hours straight without waking. Tonight he was fighting his sleep a lot. I think he was overstimulated during the day and overly tired, his belly was hurting and he hasn't pooped today. He just wasn't a happy baby. I feel bad since his routine was messed up and he was exhausted. Monday we are starting a bedtime routine to get him used to going to bed and getting up at a certain time. Children thrive on routine. So, no more busy days for him for a long time.

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