Thursday, March 10, 2011


For the past couple of days I have noticed that C has been crying a lot less. I think the Zantac is finally kicking in. He slept in his bouncer all night last night for the first time since he has been born. He can even lay flat on his back without crying. He actally likes it now! He can sleep laying flat for 3 hours without crying. He spends more time awake looking around rather than crying. It's nice. But he has started spitting up. I think I have figured out that it is when I give him Zantac right before I feed him. I'm going to start giving it in between feedings and see how that goes. He also contines to have that congested sound in his throat after feeds which I hope it isn't something else. Some babies have to have their formula thickened to cure this. He also coughs sometimes still, has frequent hiccups, and will get liquid in his throat and gag. I hope all these symptoms go away soon for him. I have been contemplating a switch in formulas too. Enfamil has a formula for colicky babies. If he continues to cry less and be happy more often then we will stay with the newborn formula because it has extra vitamin D and prebiotics to boost the immune system that the special formula doesn't. I hope we are done fighting the reflux battle. There have been a few night where C hasn't quit crying. I don't get mad at him I just am so sad. I cry and tell him that if I could take his discomfort away I would. Funny thing is I haven't had a single episode of heartburn since I gave birth to him. Three nights ago I have been getting heartburn again. And the past 2 days he has felt better. God listened.

C is 6 weeks old today! I don't get sad that he is getting older, I get sad that I have to go back to work soon.

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