Doctors appointments are getting more spread out. We've had 2 extra because Miss Jemma isn't back to her birth weight yet. I look at her and think, "she was bigger than this inside me?!" I thought I was doing good in the beginning breastfeeding but I think she got some milk then was just sucking on empty boobs! For real! She had lost almost a pound in 6 days. Not cool. She only needed 5 more ounces at her 2 week appointment to be back at her birth weight. No more breastfeeding for me so I am hopeful she will gain more than that.
She is such a good baby I tell you. She only cries when hungry or dirty. She will sleep almost 6 hours if you let her. She likes to cuddle. She doesn't like her bassinet but I try it every time I put her down. I am determined not to let her sleep with us. We are still battling with Cash to sleep in his own bed. It's even harder he is in our bed because I have to wake Jemma up every 4 hours at night to eat so Cash wakes up (no fully) and proceeds to dig his feet in me or wrap his arms around my neck. He has no regard to Jemma and hits her half the time. I can't get him to scoot over and get off of me! I try to think "pretty soon he won't even let me hug him, so enjoy it, enjoy it, enjoy it", but man it's hard most of the time.