Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Cash is a crazy man. Talking so good, repeating everything you say. Starting to say really funny things all on his own. Like the time I told him he stunk and asked if I could check his diaper. He repiled, No, I fart. Or the time he wrote all over himself and insisted they were tattoos. Funny stuff I tell you. His eating habits are crazy. Can't even sneak veggies in on him. He loves PB & J sandwiches, anything cheese, cupcakes, candy and cheetos. I've been supplementing with Pediasure and he seems to like it. Gives me a little reasureance on the vitamin level. Trying to convince him that he is going to be a big brother isn't working so well. He is clueless. He knows Mama has a baby in her belly but he doesn't really know what that means. Potty training is kinda hit or miss (haha). For about a month he pooped and peed in his potty everyday when his diaper was off. Recently not so much. He pooped on the kitchen floor today and pees everywhere all the time. Hard not to keep a diaper on him when he is marking every inch of the house several times an hour. I'd like to get him potty trained before the baby comes but I don't see that happening in give ro take 160 days. He has been spending a lot of time at his Granny and Papa's house. It's pretty much his favorite place and Papa is his favorite person. I'm so glad because I didn't know my dad's parents (don't even know their names) and my mothers parents I wasn't that close with. Cash's imagination is awesome and he loves to pretend. You have to guide him and give him ideas but he takes off on his own. He loves to line all the kitchen chairs up at the door and pretend they are a bus or train and give all his stuffed animals a ride. He won't sleep in his toddler bed for anything. We have tried everything. I think we are going to have to convert him to a full size bed and try that. Works out ok because his baby furniture can go to the new bambino anyway. He loves to cook with me. He uses a knife when he's beside me. He loves to taste things and say with the widest most suprised eyes, "I wike E" translated to "I like it". I'm going to have to change the name of the blog since baby #2 will be here roughly in October.

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