Friday, May 6, 2011

This is only the beginning.

So the past couple of weeks C has been in love with his fingers and hands. At first I thought he found his hands. Then he proceeded to shove his hand so far in he would gag himself. I thought it was too early to start teething. This week he has stopped sleeping through the night. He will wake up at 1 or 2am crying. He is restless a lot in his sleep. Well I posted this on Facebook and someone else mentioned he is probobly teething. P told me today he has been super fussy and crying a lot. Sure enough when I get home all he does is cry. He seems so uncomfortable. I got him some baby orajel and it helped some but I think I'm going to have to break down and give him the Tylenol I bought him as well. Nobody is getting any sleep around here. Tomorrow is supposed to be my great niece K's first birthday party and if he is acting like this we aren't going. It is about a 50 min drive and I won't be able to handle him non stop screaming in the car all the way there. He hates his carseat and cries anyway so add teething in and it is enough to drive this Mama crazy!

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