Thursday, February 24, 2011

What I miss and what I don't.

I miss being pregnant :( But not EVERY part of it.

What I miss about being pregnant:
Feeling and seeing my baby move inside of me.
Seeing my belly grow every week.
Getting people to do stuff for me ;)
Feeling beautiful and people telling me how pretty I looked.
Not feeling fat, feeling pregnant.
Wearing comfy, stretchy pants all the time.
Eating whatever I wanted as often as I wanted.
The pregnancy glow which gives you the best complexion ever!
Not having to shave my legs because I couldn't reach them!
Rubbing my big belly.

What I don't miss about being pregnant:
peeing ALL THE TIME and only little bits at a time. It feels good to pee every few hours and feel relief after I pee.
Not being able to bend over.
Not being out of breath all the time just walking short distances.
Heartburn! And not having to take Tums several times a day without much relief.
Weekly doctors appointments.
Not being able to put underwear, socks or pants on easily.
Not being able to drink caffiene or eat hot dogs/lunch meat/seafood.
Not gagging everytime I brush my teeth.
Bloody noses.
Hormone headaches.
Morning sickness.
Back and hip pain.

And the thing I don't miss about being pregnant-not having him inside me but outside for me to hold and kiss! The wondering and worrying part was the worst!

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