Wednesday, February 2, 2011


As I type (with one hand) my brand new baby boy is curled up next to me. We just gave him a bath so he smells like baby lotion which smells like heaven. There is no way I could ever describe the love I have for this human being. Thinking about it is literally making me cry. I can't sing "You are my Sunshine" to him without crying either. Sometimes when I take a nap, because life is nothing but a series of naps lately, I sob and thank God for my amazing husband and for making me a mommy. The love I have for them both is so overwhelming. It is so weird how tired me and P are but we never get cranky. We work together, take turns napping, have so much patience and never complain about anything except our dogs. I really am ready to get rid of these dogs, except T since he stays outside.

I have seen another side to P that has really amazed me. He does laundry, cooks and gets me anything I need. He is so patient and helpful all the time. He does the majority of the diaper changes since I do the majority of the feedings. He is what a man is supposed to be (I'm crying again). I really dread when he has to go back to work. The thought of that makes me sad.

So, back to cuddling with my sweet baby...

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