Sunday, February 6, 2011

Spoiled in 10 days?

C has his days and nights mixed up. During the day he sleeps so soundly and deep. I clean house, bang around and the dogs bark and he doesn't budge. At night he his hungry almost every hour and cries and wiggles and moves. He has been sleeping with us for the past week since we have been home from the hospital since it has been so cold. This is dangerous cause we could roll over on him or the blankets could cover his face. I tried to put him in the play pen to sleep last night. He wasn't having it and mommy didn't like it either. He would doze off and I would put him in the playpen and he would immediately wake up and cry. I would pick him up and he would stop. I don't know why he doesn't like that thing. I didn't want to put him in it either but I know it is better if he sleeps in it. When he sleeps with us I sleep with him on my arm and when he cries or moves I can wake up and get whatever he needs. I can also just open my eyes and check on him. It scared me that he wasn't going to be right next to me. I was so sad too because I know one day he won't want to sleep with us and I want to savor every moment of him being this little. P couldn't believe I was crying. We have another pediatrican visit on Tuesday and the doctor said she is going to give us a plan to make him sleep during the night. I can't wait for that. I mean I don't know how I'm going to do it when P goes back to work in a week. He really helps a lot. I guess if he doesn't adjust to the new schedule quickly I will sleep during the day when he sleeps and P can do chores when he gets home from work.

Update on the breastfeeding:
I'm still frustrated at pumping somewhat. I have only been able to pump and average of about 1oz every 2 hours. I'm trying to go with the flow and give him as much breast milk as I can. We have pretty much only been giving him formula at night and I'm not getting up to pump anymore. I was doing research on how breastmilk boosts a baby's immune system (the main reason I'm doing it) and it says the antibodies I am passing to him are steadily decreasing and by 3 months it's almost nothing and his immune system starts to take over. So, my new goal is to breastfeed him until he is 3 months old which is when I go back to work. I will still pump and give him some breastmilk but not as much as I am now. I think that is a pretty good goal. I have been trying to give him my nipple and he tries it but flat out refuses.

So the moral of the story is C is already spoiled. He likes to sleep with mommy so he sleeps with mommy. He doesn't want my nipple he gets the bottle. Oh well he is worth it and deserves it.

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