Wednesday, February 23, 2011

It's been a while...

Lots has happened since my last post. C has an appointment with the pediatric cardiologist. The gave him an EKG, took his blood pressure, heart rate & oxygen level. Then they gave him an trans thoracic echocardiogram (TTE). It's a sonogram of his heart to see what is causing his heart murmur. They found 3 holes in his heart. There were 2 small ones and 1 medium one. The good news is they should all heal on their own. We have to follow up in 3 months to make sure they are healing. I'm still scared though because what if they don't heal and he has to have surgery? I don't want that for my precious baby boy. I hate to let him cry too long because I don't want his blood pressure and heart rate to get high and stress his little heart out even more.

We had newborn pictures a few weeks ago. They came out amazing! They were really expensive but worth it, Our families may be a little upset that we aren't getting ant for them but oh well. I mean c'mon, a 4x6 is $45. Would you buy extra pictures for your family?

I'm done breastfeeding. I gave up. Partly cause it was so time consuming and partly because I'm lazy. I gave in and didn't work hard enough to re-train him to take my nipple. So, since he wouldn"t take my nipple I had to use a special shield and when he would switch breast he would get so mad and knock that shield off everytime. So, mostly I was pumping every hour and it would take me 2 hours to get 3oz. Well, he eats 3 every 2 hours. If P wasn't here it was impossible. Plus trying to find time to eat and pee! It was just too much. Hopefully he got a lot of benefits from 3 weeks of breastmilk.

C is growing like a weed. He is the most beautiful thing on this planet. I can sit and stare at him for hours. When he's awake I give him kisses and he lets me as long as I want. He has got the sweetest kissy lips. I especially love when he smiles in his sleep. He has THE softest little feet ever. He peed on me the other day when I changed his diaper. He pees all the time when I'm changing his diaper. It's funny, he will get real quiet then I look over and see this fountain spraying in the air. It cracks me up!

Now, if we could only get him to sleep in his playpen instead of only with us or in my arms. I will be glad when we can go all night without having to get up to feed and change him. All in good time...

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