Wednesday, December 8, 2010

It's been a while.

It's been a while since I have posted anything. Everything is going good so far. At his last sonogram a week and a half ago C weighed 4 pds 3 oz. I can't believe I have a 4 pound human growing in my belly! I have gained 27 pounds so far. I can now feel him kicking most of the day and it is right under my boobs at the top of my belly. I can even see my belly moving. It's pretty amazing. At the last sonogram his head was down he was laying on his right side. Everything seems to have formed normally and Dr. D said he will be approx 7.5-8pds. That's a big baby! I just hope that the things they can't see on sono won't be present like mental retardation, cleft palate or spina bifida, blindness or deafness when he is born.

Work is getting more difficult. The bending and walking back and forth takes all my energy. I have mainly been doing a desk job but every now and then they will have me recover a patient and today it seemed to be the most difficult one. He had came intubated (breathing tube still in from surgery). His blood sugar was 57 (normal is 70-120). I had to give him IV "sugar" and he was screaming in pain after they took out the breathing tube. Then he had to pee but couldn't stay awake long enough to do that. Then he had to poop so I had to give him a bed pan. All this required me to go back and forth to the drug machine to get medications out, struggle to pull down pants and underwear, bend down while I held the urinal, then get him to lift up to put a bed pan under him all while going back and forth to my computer to chart everything. Then when he was awake enough to go to his room I had to help push a big hospital bed down 2 sets of hallways. See why work is so exhausting for me? I can't do the 10 hour days anymore so next week I am going to do 4-8 hour days. My doctor appointments are getting more frequent so I still need my 1 day off a week. The bad news is I will only get 32 hours a week. That is going to make a big difference on my check.

My work is throwing me a baby shower tomorrow. I feel so lucky that they like me enough to do this for me. But I do hate going up there on my day off. It won't feel like a day off and I can't rest. Bummer.

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