Tuesday, December 21, 2010

What happened to my energy?

Yesterday I over did it BIG TIME. I was feeling great and full of energy. I went to bed at midnight the night before and got up at 7am so that I would be able to sleep that night for work in the morning. I headed to Wal-Mart for grocery shopping and came home. Then I took dog one to groomer. She poops in the place and was acting all kinds of crazy. Came home. Took dog two to the vet. He is 80pds and did not want to go to the vet for whatever reason. He was pulling me around the parking lot like a rag doll. The pavement was wet so when we left he jumped in my car and got black paw prints everywhere. Sigh. Picked up dog one from groomer. Came home. Took a shower because I felt so gross from dealing with them and I was sweating like a pig in the vet. Took dog three to another groomer because they do a better job. She is a princess and didn't want to walk so I had to carry her. She is only 9pds so I don't mind. Went to the dentist. I thought I was going to pass out from heat stroke because for some reason they had the fireplace on and it was 71 degrees outside. Had a good cleaning and got relaxed. Yes, cleanings relax me; I don't know why. Now, to wait on dog three to get done at the groomer. Thought I would pass the time by going to Bed Bath & Beyond. Big mistake. I started feeling bad, the place was jam packed and I thought I was going to pass out. I don't know if I was dehydrated or exhausted but I felt like crap. I sat out in the parking lot and did some people watching and called P as soon as he got off work. I told him he had to meet me to eat or I was going home and he had to come back and get dog three. I had to either eat or lay down, I wasn't really sure. He met me to eat and I could barely eat anything. I felt so weak. I came home and went to bed. At work today I still felt very tired and still do. Needless to say I learned my lesson and won't be doing that much until after I have this baby.

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