Thursday, September 30, 2010

I'm gonna start letting her worry.

We went to the doctor yesterday and saw our little boy! He now weighs 1lb and 2 oz! He has doubled in weight in one month. Dr. D says that I will really start to get big now. I have gained 11 pounds so far. I am really glad that I lost the 14pds in preparation for my lap band now that I pregnant. I would be over 250 now. Hopefully by the end of the pregnancy I will only weight a just over 250. She also highly recommended that I get the flu/H1N1 shot. I don't know how I feel about that. The permission form clearly states that no testing has been done on pregnant woman. I guess I am going to get it. She said pregnant women get really, really, really sick and can even die from the flu. I told her how I have been worring about everything all the time and she flat out said, "it is my job to worry about you and make sure everything is going ok in your pregnancy so stop worrying!" She also said that this is the best I will feel in my pregnancy so enjoy it now because the next thing I know it will be over and I will miss being pregnant. So, I am going to stop worrying!

T is doing really good with the Invisible Fence. He gets shocked from time to time but he learns his lesson quickly. He even saw a cat this morning and didn't take off after it! The only problem is getting him to stay outside! He wants to be inside with us all the time. Oh, and we don't have termites! Yay!

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