Friday, September 17, 2010

It makes me laugh everytime.

I have been feeling C move almost everyday now. Mostly at night. It is the oddest feeling in the world and very hard to describe. It's kinda like when you are really nervous and your stomach is turning. All I can do is laugh. Laugh from the weirdness of a human growing inside me and the odd feeling it gives me. Last night he was moving after P started talking to him. By "talking" I mean P getting close to my belly after asking him 200 times to do it and saying something like "hey". Not much of a talker, that husband of mine. I say good morning to him almost everyday and try to talk to him when I remember. Apparently, his hearing organs are all formed and he can hear my heart, my voice, my intestines working away and very loud noises. The books I have say that he may even get startled at loud noises. 134 days to go!

We finally got Invisible Fence installed! 10 days of training and T will be outside 24/7! No more hair EVERYWHERE all the time! He is going to be in for a very big shock in 8 days...

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