Wednesday, September 1, 2010

18weeks 4days

We had another sonogram today. C weighs a whole 9oz and his little belly is only approx. 6 inches around. Little tiny baby. My uterus is up to my belly button and I can feel it when I push on my belly. The sonographer said that there seems to be plenty of fluid in my uterus and all the parts she could see seemed like they were forming ok. I have another sonogram in a month to see all the parts that she couldn't see very well today. I thank God for him and pray everyday that he is born happy and healthy.

I have been feeling my heart beating really strongly from time to time and Dr. D says it's because I have and increased blood volume and therefore and increased cardiac output. She said don't be surprised if I start to feel it in my ears and face. It's a really weird feeling to have!

P and I attempted to put together the baby's bookshelf today but so many of the parts were damaged. It would be ok because most of the parts aren't visable but one of the major parts is all dented and crappy looking from shipping. I was so bummed because I was ready to have it put up. I hope the crib isn't the same way.

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