Monday, September 6, 2010

I'm sick of it.

I'm so sick of this one person at work telling me what I'm not going to be able to do when C is born. Listen, I understand that my life is about to change but that doesn't mean I can't have a life of my own. I understand that for months after he is born that it will be feedings, diaper changes and crying and feedings and diaper changes and...well you get the idea. I understand that it will be about him and not P and I anymore. But yes, P and I can still do fun things together.

For instance, I was playing a game on my phone during some downtime at work. She comes over to me and asks what I was doing. I said I was playing a game. She then said, "no more games for you when you have that baby." Seriously? I'm only playing a friggen game? So, her and another guy, who doesn't have kids, gang up on me. They start telling me all the things I will never be able to do again. Like concerts and the midnight Twilight premieres. I was starting to get pissed and I said that is what babysitters are for. They said, "oh you won't trust anyone to watch him." Yeah, I think I trust my BFF's who have 3 kids each and my sisters whom have 5 kids between them, and a grandchild. I think they know how to watch a baby.

P and I waited to have a kid until later on in life for these reasons: we wanted to have fun partying and not have to worry about a child at home. We wanted to have hangovers and not worry about getting up early to take care of a kid. We wanted to stay out late at night and not worry about getting home so a babysitter can go home. If we wanted to go to a movie at 10 at night or go to Shreveport on a whim, we could go without having to find a babysitter. We wanted to spend all the money we earn on us and no one else. We wanted to spend our first married years being married and not being parents. We knew that we were too immature to have kids until now.

We know that we don't have as much freedom as we have had our entire lives and we are okay with that. We are prepared to have our world revolve around C and that is exactaly how we want it to be. But, in order to stay sane we will have time for ourselves.

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