Saturday, November 6, 2010

Baby Shower Day!

I had the most amazing baby shower today! I got tons of presents but only 3 of the big things I registered for. I was hoping for more big things because that stuff is expensive! I still have a work baby shower in December so hopefully they will all pitch in on some big items. I was so happy to see all my family come together and my friends too. I have the most amazing friends and family. Nobody can be luckier than I am, I swear. My BFF J came in all the way from Washington State to give me a baby shower. She did such a good job and worked so hard to make it special for me. I was so surprised to see my dad there too! I haven't seen him in 5 years, since me and P's wedding. Being the preggo emotional wreck that I am I started crying when I saw him. I was so overwhelmed with all kinds of emotions and I couldn't help it. People thought I was sad but I was far from sad. I will probobly cry when CJ is born too. I had to hurt my moms feelings and tell her she couldn't be in the delivery room. She thinks because she is the "grandma" she should get to be in the delivery room. She wasn't a mom and therefore can't be a grandma (but that's a whole other story).

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