Monday, October 25, 2010

Hey Jealousy.

I met another nurse at the hospital on Sunday who was preggers too. Her round belly was so dang cute! I figured she was 7 months or so. She was only 5 1/2 months. It kinda made me depressed because I don't even look pregnant. I just look like I'm getting fatter. I don't know why I got sad because I always knew I wouldn't look pregnant due to my weight before pregnancy. I was jealous I guess that I don't look cute.

My baby shower is getting so close! I even went and bought a maternity shirt to wear. My shopping today was also depressing. I'm too fat for the cute maternity shirts. The plus size maternity shirts were way too big. I was able to find a cute little dress and a shirt. But again it doesn't even look like a maternity shirt on me.

Good news at my check up today though. Dr. D said my weight gain is good, blood pressure is good and my uterus is up past my belly button. His heart rate was around 150 which is also perfect. She also told me that both of my sisters and husband can be in the delivery room. They were both very excited to hear that and I can't wait for them to experience his birth!

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