Monday, November 8, 2010

It still amazes me.

I'm sitting here feeling C wiggle around inside of me. Am I weird that it still amazes me that I have a baby inside of me that is moving and kicking? It is still such a miracle to me. I am in awe everytime I feel him and it makes me so happy. I can't describe what it is like to feel that and know that in a few months I am going to be a mother. I was standing at the front door today just looking outside at the beautiful fall day and I was thinking how much my world is about to change. Everything is going to be so different. I can't wait to see what he looks like and pray every single day that my pregnancy continues to go smoothly and that C is born a healthy baby boy.

J is gone and made it back to Washington safely. She missed her kiddos so much. I miss her so much already. We had such a blast when she was here. It had been so long since P and I had gone out and hung out with anyone. We basically sit around the house. Between me working long hours and being so tired all the time and him working out everyday after work we don't have time to go out. All we want to do is sleep. So, it was really nice to get out of the house and hang out with her. J told us that since me, P and her sister J are encouraging her and her husband to NOT come back to Texas and see the world she made up her mind to move to either Pennsylvania or Florida. We told her PA since we have never been there. She wants to move there because the Hershey's factory is there. See, we are best friends for a reason :)

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