Sunday, October 17, 2010

Where are the months going?

Only 20 days until my baby shower! 19 days until I get to see my BFF J! She is planning this whole shower all the way from Washington state. My sisters and my other BFF J(her sister)are also helping since they live here. J is flying in on the 5th and I can't wait to see her! It has been almost a year since I have seen her and I miss her like nobody's business.

I can't believe that October is halfway over already. These months are just flying by. C is kicking so much and I can tell he is getting bigger because he has moved up near my belly button. My next doctors appointment is next Monday where they test me for gestational diabetes. I pray everyday that I have no complications during my pregnancy or labor and delivery. I am most scared of high blood pressure that can lead to preeclampsia. I feel that this is the most dangerous and can lead to fetal death.

P was diagnosed with high cholesterol. I am so sad because he isn't even 30 yet. He isn't going to take medications though. He will just try to manage his diet and join a gym. Wish him luck because I know he needs it.

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