Thursday, September 30, 2010

I'm gonna start letting her worry.

We went to the doctor yesterday and saw our little boy! He now weighs 1lb and 2 oz! He has doubled in weight in one month. Dr. D says that I will really start to get big now. I have gained 11 pounds so far. I am really glad that I lost the 14pds in preparation for my lap band now that I pregnant. I would be over 250 now. Hopefully by the end of the pregnancy I will only weight a just over 250. She also highly recommended that I get the flu/H1N1 shot. I don't know how I feel about that. The permission form clearly states that no testing has been done on pregnant woman. I guess I am going to get it. She said pregnant women get really, really, really sick and can even die from the flu. I told her how I have been worring about everything all the time and she flat out said, "it is my job to worry about you and make sure everything is going ok in your pregnancy so stop worrying!" She also said that this is the best I will feel in my pregnancy so enjoy it now because the next thing I know it will be over and I will miss being pregnant. So, I am going to stop worrying!

T is doing really good with the Invisible Fence. He gets shocked from time to time but he learns his lesson quickly. He even saw a cat this morning and didn't take off after it! The only problem is getting him to stay outside! He wants to be inside with us all the time. Oh, and we don't have termites! Yay!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Mo Money?

The baby furniture is finally all put together. Now I just need P's mom to get back from Maine so she can get to work on the bedding and curtain for C's room. The fabric finally came in and it looks basically like what I thought it was going to. It's really going to look cute.

I am starting to worry about our financial situation. The other day I realized that I will roughly only have 7 weeks of paid leave when C is born. P will take his paid 2 weeks vacation but I am taking 3 months off. So, that means that I will have 5 weeks without pay. That's 2.5 checks! We have saved money for this occasion since I figured I wouldn't have enough time off. We have been spending lots of money on C's furniture, Invisible Fence and now we have to have our house treated for termites. I have no idea how much that will cost. The exterminator comes on Wednesday to give us and estimate. Our savings just keeps getting smaller and smaller it seems. I think I may have to take another weekend sometime in November while I can.

Friday, September 17, 2010

It makes me laugh everytime.

I have been feeling C move almost everyday now. Mostly at night. It is the oddest feeling in the world and very hard to describe. It's kinda like when you are really nervous and your stomach is turning. All I can do is laugh. Laugh from the weirdness of a human growing inside me and the odd feeling it gives me. Last night he was moving after P started talking to him. By "talking" I mean P getting close to my belly after asking him 200 times to do it and saying something like "hey". Not much of a talker, that husband of mine. I say good morning to him almost everyday and try to talk to him when I remember. Apparently, his hearing organs are all formed and he can hear my heart, my voice, my intestines working away and very loud noises. The books I have say that he may even get startled at loud noises. 134 days to go!

We finally got Invisible Fence installed! 10 days of training and T will be outside 24/7! No more hair EVERYWHERE all the time! He is going to be in for a very big shock in 8 days...

Monday, September 6, 2010

I'm sick of it.

I'm so sick of this one person at work telling me what I'm not going to be able to do when C is born. Listen, I understand that my life is about to change but that doesn't mean I can't have a life of my own. I understand that for months after he is born that it will be feedings, diaper changes and crying and feedings and diaper changes and...well you get the idea. I understand that it will be about him and not P and I anymore. But yes, P and I can still do fun things together.

For instance, I was playing a game on my phone during some downtime at work. She comes over to me and asks what I was doing. I said I was playing a game. She then said, "no more games for you when you have that baby." Seriously? I'm only playing a friggen game? So, her and another guy, who doesn't have kids, gang up on me. They start telling me all the things I will never be able to do again. Like concerts and the midnight Twilight premieres. I was starting to get pissed and I said that is what babysitters are for. They said, "oh you won't trust anyone to watch him." Yeah, I think I trust my BFF's who have 3 kids each and my sisters whom have 5 kids between them, and a grandchild. I think they know how to watch a baby.

P and I waited to have a kid until later on in life for these reasons: we wanted to have fun partying and not have to worry about a child at home. We wanted to have hangovers and not worry about getting up early to take care of a kid. We wanted to stay out late at night and not worry about getting home so a babysitter can go home. If we wanted to go to a movie at 10 at night or go to Shreveport on a whim, we could go without having to find a babysitter. We wanted to spend all the money we earn on us and no one else. We wanted to spend our first married years being married and not being parents. We knew that we were too immature to have kids until now.

We know that we don't have as much freedom as we have had our entire lives and we are okay with that. We are prepared to have our world revolve around C and that is exactaly how we want it to be. But, in order to stay sane we will have time for ourselves.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

18weeks 4days

We had another sonogram today. C weighs a whole 9oz and his little belly is only approx. 6 inches around. Little tiny baby. My uterus is up to my belly button and I can feel it when I push on my belly. The sonographer said that there seems to be plenty of fluid in my uterus and all the parts she could see seemed like they were forming ok. I have another sonogram in a month to see all the parts that she couldn't see very well today. I thank God for him and pray everyday that he is born happy and healthy.

I have been feeling my heart beating really strongly from time to time and Dr. D says it's because I have and increased blood volume and therefore and increased cardiac output. She said don't be surprised if I start to feel it in my ears and face. It's a really weird feeling to have!

P and I attempted to put together the baby's bookshelf today but so many of the parts were damaged. It would be ok because most of the parts aren't visable but one of the major parts is all dented and crappy looking from shipping. I was so bummed because I was ready to have it put up. I hope the crib isn't the same way.