Tuesday, August 16, 2011

My apologies.

It has been almost a month since I have written! Wow. Between Cash and work and doctors appointments and housework I have no time to do anything else. I work 3 12 hour shifts a week. I get up at 5am, drive an hour to work, get off at 7:30 an get home at 8:30. I play with Cash, eat dinner and then get him ready for bed. I'm lucky to get in bed by 10pm each night. It is very exhausting for both P and I but it saves us daycare costs which we can't afford. Hell, we can barely afford anything now-a- days. I really don't know where all our money goes. Each of our paychecks are already spent before we get them. We don't eat out or go to movies or dates anymore. Diapers, formula, wipes and clothes and toys must be the culprit. Our savings is dwindling as well due to the purchase of our new floors and we have no money to replace what we take out of savings. P and I both working 4 ours less a week has really taken a toll on our wallets. We even talked about turning off the satellite but have yet to do so.

Cash is almost 7 months old. When I think of a 7 month old I think of a big kid! That is closer to one year old than not. I'm going to try not to give up on making his baby food but now that he needs meat and more grains it's going to get harder and more time consuming. He gets frustrated with a sippy cup and will try it but gives up. P has spoiled him rotten. He wants to be held ALL THE TIME. He is 100% sitting up on his own. He will roll from side to side. He will get in crawling position and go to his belly then after about 5 minutes he is screaming. He can go 360 degrees on his belly but thats about it. He won't sleep in his baby bed. Most of the time he goes to sleep pretty good if you lay beside him on the bed but he will still get over tired and fight you so bad! He does this weird thing when you are getting him to sleep; he has to have his fingers in your mouth or grabbing your lips. It's quite annoying when his fingernails are long. Hopefully he will out grow this. He sits up in the cart and high chairs at resturants all by himself. He loves drinking water you give him from a straw. He is becoming himself more and more each day. Sigh...

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