Sunday, August 21, 2011

The worst nightmare I could ever possibly have

I had a terrible dream last night.
I don't know how it happened but Cash died. I was so grief stricken I can't even describe the pain I felt. I don't know where P was. It was like I was all alone. I was going around the city doing something but it seemed like aimless driving. I kept picturing Cash in my head. It was pictures of him smiling and being happy. It made me smile but cry at the same time. I was telling someone, so much for his having to get his handprint at one year. It seemed like P but it wasn't him. Maybe it was a friend I was with. I don't remember any faces except mine and Cash's.

I woke up thinking about this horrible dream. It made me kiss him a little more and appreciate him even more. Maybe this happened because I have been getting frustrated with his crying and fighting his sleep lately. Maybe it was God's way of saying, "Hey! Look what you have! It could be a lot worse and you could not have him at all! I gave him to you for a reason and be more patient with him!" Well, I gotta tell you it worked.

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