Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A little update

Not much going on in our world. Just chasing Cash around and making sure he doesn't hit his head (too hard) on the floor. Making sure when he pulls up on something (because that's all he does now-a-days) that it doesn't fall and hit him in his head. And making sure he isn't eating something he shouldn't. He is 8 months old now and waves at things but not when you tell him "hi" or "bye bye". He has been on car trips to Waco to see my dad and step mom and to First Monday. He did great in the car each time and usually just falls right asleep. He doesn't like riding in the back when it's dark though and will scream his lungs out. He won't sleep in his crib for anything and I got some great advice from my 45 year old step sister: Don't worry about it and worry his baby hood away making him sleep in his crib. She said it won't hurt him by not sleeping in his crib. So guess what? I'm not going to try to make him sleep in there any more. When he is ready, he will sleep in his own bed. Until then, CUDDLE TIME! He is still fighting his sleep from time to time and has to be rocked. P has that duty. My back can't handle it since I had Cash. He is in some of his 12 month clothes and growing like a weed! Lil J is making his Halloween costume and shipping it from WA and I can't wait to post a picture of his costume!! Hopefully we will get to go Trick or Treating with cousin A but if not if will be local business Trick or Treating during the day time. I just want to show off his awesome costume anyway since he can't eat the candy. We are starting to give him table foods like bread and crackers and he loves it! He has began to eat chicken baby food but won't pick up food and put it his mouth yet. He just smushes it. Still no teeth, but I'm not worried. They will come, eventually. Just had to get up and get Cash before he put a screw in his mouth from the A/C vent. You gotta be on your toes at all time with that little guy! Well, I think that sums it up to this point. Gotta go make a bottle!

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