Saturday, September 17, 2011

7 months 3 weeks

Since Cash started crawling then days later standing all he wants to do is stand, on everything. Toy baskets, shelves, fireplace hearth, speakers, wipes box, push toy, high chair, the couch, our legs...EVERYTHING! It's pretty funny to watch and nerve racking at the same time. He has hit his head so many times I have lost count. P and I are professionals at watching for concussions. I just had to stop typing because Cash tried to grab a baby gate leaning against the wall and it fell on his head and scared him. He is into everything all the time. Still no teeth. I swear the last 2 days he has been teething though because he has been SO grumpy. Screaming, cry, fight his sleep. He wants to be held all the time and doesn't even like his stroller. He is saying Mama and Dada but not really to either of us. We are practicing waving but he hasn't figured it out just yet. We are also teaching "NO" but he hasn't gotten that one yet either. He's not interested in his jumper of walker anymore and cries when we try to put him in it. He is 7 months and 3 weeks old and growing up way too fast for this Mama!

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