Thursday, April 16, 2015

3 little piggies when on top of the roof with her friend

A story by Cash

So, one time there was one little piggy named ask cash then ask cash went up to the door and knocked on the door and he huffed and puffed and coughed in his mouth then the little piggy crawled in his ear and tickled him then there was 102,000 piggies helping, they were totally helping. then there was a big bad, bad wolf and there was a fire on top of the roof.  then all the big bad wolves went into the fire and they said ooh oohh owww oww then they all went on fire then they just walked up to the door knocked on it and got blown away. they just stopped and walked slowly, slowly then (inaudible noises) then they got all over the little piggies. Then they just crawled up to the door they just knock knocked on the door, keep doing it all day long when it was dark almost dark then pluuuuuu then they opened the door then falled down. Good end. 

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