Tuesday, April 7, 2015

17 months later

Life us busy. So busy its been 17 months since I've blogged. I set this up as a diary of sorts because I have such a bad memory and wanted to remember milestones and funny moments with Cash. Along came Jemma and man how things have changed. 

Cash: 4 years old. Sensitive, loving, clingy, sneaky, 100% boy, very smart. 

Likes: Lego anything, video games (he will ask Patrick and I if we want to take a nap so he can play them), Minecraft, star wars, curious George movies, role play (he is the best zombie and robot. He assigns all of us roles too), candy, hanging out at dad's work (he calls it hanging out too!), aggravating his sister, Tango, cats, his friends. (He doesn't have any yet but if he plays with a kid anywhere they are suddenly his friend), chick-fil-a ( because of the playground), drawing Minecraft people, sword fights, gun fights, building forts out of blocks, the park, swimming. 

He will eat raw carrots and broccoli because we tell him it makes him run fast. He will demonstrate running fast after he eats broccoli every time. He loves all sweets and will eat/sneak them as often as he can. He is potty trained but has an accident at night 1-2 times a month. He sleeps in his bed 10% of the time. This is my fault. I love cuddling with him! Even though he sleeps right next to me and wraps his legs and arms around me and gives me 1 foot of actual sleeping space and makes me sweat, I still love it! He loves telling knock knock jokes but never remembers the punch lines so usually inserts "poop" in there  somewhere. Goosebumps the TV show freaks him out. He covers his ears and snuggles ip to dad while watching. He is a great helper in the kitchen but hates following recipes 😜

He is the smartest child on the planet! He can write his 1st and last name. He knows his while name, can give directions to our house, he's pretty good at left and right, he can count to 30 something, can write all the numbers by himself, he can draw some awesome people, he colors in the lines. He is a genius at electronics and half the time tells me how to use them. He loves me reading Marvel Avengers stories to him. 

He is the best big brother.  He helps Jemma all the time. He mostly shares and is patient with her. He lets her help him unload the dishwasher. Its so sweet. He will get his feelings hurt and cry if she doesn't want to play with him. The other night she wouldn't sleep so I brought her in with us and he rubbed her cheek until she fell back asleep. Heart melted. 

He does lots of chores for rewards. Sometimes he's very helpful others he's but feeling it.  He can put his clothes on hangers, wash the coffee table, unload the dishwasher, pick up toys and vacuum. He hates baths and still says he cant wash himself. He is starting to pray which I love. He is growing into such an awesome  little person. 

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