Saturday, September 1, 2012

Lots going on but nothing really going on.

Cash is 19 months, 33 inches, 25 pds. He can pretty much repeat anything you tell him to say. He's funny. He's bad. He's teething which brings out the brat in him. He has been banging his head on anything hard when he's super tired and grumpy. He's got the lumps, bumps and bruises on his forehead to prove it. Pediatrician says he won't bang hard enough to hurt himself so I just act cheery and ignore him/go on my merry way. This will either 1. piss him off and bang his head more or 2. make him stop and follow me crying his eyes out rubbing boogers and snot on my pant leg. He'll out grow it...eventually. He likes to be so independant. He won't sit in a seat of any kind at the table. He stands in a chair. Resturants are a no go unless it's 3 pm when no one is there so he can proceed to climb on me and scream and be crazy. He loves to push a chair to the counter and cook or wash dishes. Don't you dare move him or he will throw himself backward like you just took away his candy. Strollers are also a spawn of the devil according to Cash. I got him a back pack with a leash but I feel so dumb using it. He doesn't like not being able to run as far and fast as he can either. "Driving" his his favorite. He likes to turn the steering wheel, put the key in the ignition and turn the radio on. I literally have to pry his hands off the wheel to go inside. Kinda sorta working on potty training. Got some underwear for Cash today and OH MY WORD are they cute on his little tush. He goes with P to pee as often as he can to see what it's all about. He only likes to flush. He knows what pooping is because he will go off by himself, in a corner or other room and come back with a hand full of poop. Yeah, almost everytime. It got old the 2nd time he did it and we are on time #5,390 so we are beyond ready for him to go in the toliet! For P and I: work, pay bills and keep Cash occupied.

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