Thursday, March 1, 2012


Low census at work+=unexpected day off! We had a fabulous, much needed, rare family day together! We started off by breakfast at our favorite cafe. Cash had pancakes, strawberries, bananas, eggs and cinnamon toast. The kid pigged out. I don't know where he put that stuff! Then I relaxed while P mowed and Cash took a much needed nap. When he woke up we went to the park while I took some pictures. It was 80 degrees here in TX today which was HOT! This summer is going to be SO bad. Anywho, we went to DQ where Cash pigged out on Hamburger, french fries and he had his first ice cream cone. He almost ate the whole thing and I had to take it away. He cried. Then I came home and took a nap. Cash is asleep and now P and I are watching movies. Best.Day.Ever.

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