Saturday, February 18, 2012

Being a bad friend.

I talked with Lil J last night. I haven't been a good friend to her. When I talk on the phone to her (which is a rarity) I find myself talking only about me, then I let her go and she hasn't even had a chance to talk. I have anxiety about talking on the phone to people because I can't stand silence. I feel very uncomfortable and awkward if I run out of things to say. The only people I can talk without anxiety is my sisters, husband and step mom. I can talk to my sisters for hours without running out of stuff to say. Anyhoo, we talked for an hour and I kept reminding myself to ask questions and not talk about Cash unless she asked me about him. She recently moved a few states away and is having a hard time adjusting. I mean can you imagine living somewhere for 3 years, making friends, finding a church home, getting to know your kid's teachers, loving your home and then moving away suddenly just to have to start over? And about a week after she got there she got into a car accident, they military people gave away her home she had reserved months before because they arrived late, then the paperwork was lost so they had to get a small house and they don't have room for all their belongings. She is just really depressed and that is why I called. I wanted her to know even though I don't call that I am here for her. I love her lots and miss her even more. She made me feel alot better about things I worry too much about. Like Cash's milestones. She told me to stop comparing and that he will hit them when he's ready. I was hoping she would need me but I ended up needing her right at that moment.

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