Monday, July 4, 2011

Oh what a night.

Apparently we only thought Cash was teething before. Last night was horrible!! He passed out around 9pm. We put him right to bed and he slept until 11pm. He proceeded to wake up SCREAMING every 1-2 hours! We gave him bottle and rocked him and cuddled him and he just wouldn't go back to sleep. We finally ended up giving him Tylenol about 7am and he went right to sleep until 11am. He has had a few "screaming for no reason" episodes already. His cold teething ring quieted him and now he is playing with his toys quietly. I'm now wondering if it was gas pains too. He has passed gas generously for the past few hours. I don't know what it was but I hope it doesn't repeat tonight. It reminded us of that first month and it wasn't fond memories!

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