Sunday, July 24, 2011

I can't believe it's been almost a month since I have written anything. I have been busy working and trying to stay out of the heat. Cash is getting bigger and sitting up on his own. He holds his bottle (when he feels like it). He is easily destracted and amused just like his Mama! He loves being held and doesn't like being alone. We have tried a few more times to get him to sleep in his crib but he won't have it. I hate sitting there watching the monitor and seeing his tears streaming down his face. I cave everytime. Oh well, he will be grown before I know it so I'm enjoying it. He has had lots of baby food and loves everything, peas, pears and bananas seem to be his favorite. He is drinking 3-4 8 oz bottles a day. He loves to have blowout poopie diapers and get poop everywhere! He has done this countless times.

I am going to take a mini photography session with a local photographer. She offered a 4 hour class to the first 10 people on Facebook that responded and I got a spot! It is just to show you the basics of your camera and how to take better pictures of your kids. I have been searching the internet for this exact thing and haven't found a single offering. I am beyond escatic! I also won a 1/2 price session that I will use for Cash's one year pictures. I am so excited about both because she is such an amazing photographer! I'm also ready to use my really expensive camera to it's fullest capacity!

Here is a picture that my niece took yesterday. I told her she needs to become a photographer because she has great persepective.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Oh what a night.

Apparently we only thought Cash was teething before. Last night was horrible!! He passed out around 9pm. We put him right to bed and he slept until 11pm. He proceeded to wake up SCREAMING every 1-2 hours! We gave him bottle and rocked him and cuddled him and he just wouldn't go back to sleep. We finally ended up giving him Tylenol about 7am and he went right to sleep until 11am. He has had a few "screaming for no reason" episodes already. His cold teething ring quieted him and now he is playing with his toys quietly. I'm now wondering if it was gas pains too. He has passed gas generously for the past few hours. I don't know what it was but I hope it doesn't repeat tonight. It reminded us of that first month and it wasn't fond memories!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Our growing boy.

We took Cash out to eat with us tonight. I really realized how much he is growing. First off he HATES his carrier with a passion. I hate it too. It is so heavy. As soon as he can sit up full time on his own (he is almost there) we are switching to his big boy car seat. He can't sit in a high chair yet so he stays in his carrier when we go eat. He is starting to catch on that his seat is boring and he only gets one view: my side. Well in the restaraunt he starts fussing. P holds him in his lap and he plays with his toy. He gets tired of that toy easily. He will grab and take anything in his reach and put it straight into his mouth. He had a hunk of bread, the paper from the bread basket, napkins, his toy, his ring toy. He tired to grab my fork and my drink anytime they were near. You really have to be on your toes around this kid. He is so curious and full of energy. He ate a whole jar of peas there and loved them! He liked them more than sweet potatoes which is weird. We had little green balls of peas everywhere. I ordered a cart/high chair cover today in preparation of him sitting up and I can't wait. It's tiring holding him and trying to eat with one hand.