Saturday, May 26, 2012


Cash is getting really good as saying Mama. He says it all the time. His favorite things to do are open the dishwasher, pull everything out and then put it all back in. He does this all while standing in the dishwasher lid. He hates going into his carseat. He wants to stand and turn on the dome light. Or crawl into the front seat and honk the horn and play with EVERY knob or button on the dashboard. Buttons are his thing.

Lil J is in town from Cal i forn e i a. Cash is having a grand time playing with all her kiddos. He just loves other kids so much. I'm already dreading her return home on Monday.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mothers day.

Cash was sweet today. It was a great day because of that! A few times I told him "no" he would start crying and walk over to me, put his head on my shoulder and cry like someone hurt his feelings. He is shy around people at first but after a while he warms up and he is his normal crazy self. He has a fascination with pulling up people's shirts. He loves to kiss other babies; just because. You don't even have to ask him to. He is obsessed with sticking his hands down his pants. Anytime his diaper is off he is pushing on his penis or belly button. He likes to stick stuff in his ears and eating crayons. I took his stuffed animals out of his bin to but them in his room and he picked them up and tried to put them back in the same bin. He won't point to his parts but he will close his eyes, brush his hair, wipe his mouth, blow is nose and stick out his tongue. I think that means he knows his parts!even though he can't talk he can tell you what he wants. Today I was standing in the step into his playroom and he pulled my pant leg gesturing me to come in. it amazes me how smart he has become.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Defiance and anger.

I was sitting in the drive thru today and saw a woman getting on to her son and he was just crying and crying. This made me really sad because the first thing I thought of was that that is going to be me someday. I thought how he's going to be really bad one day. One day he's not going to want to be around me and say mean things about/to me. It makes me sad at how fast children grow up and away from you. One day I will miss spending bath time with him and reading him stories. One day he's not going to need me and it makes me really sad.

Cash is getting better at [being a brat] showing his anger and frustration. He now hits things when he is mad, including his dad and Me. P was totally against spanking him because he thought it would teach him that it was ok to hit things. I have swatted his butt and hands a few times. All it really did was piss him off even more and well, taught him how to hit. I guess we will lay off that. Today when he was pissed I wouldn't let him go outside he hit the couch and pouted. He has gotten pretty good at throwing fits. They include throwing himself on the ground and screaming. I just ignore him when he does it and in a few seconds he's gets up and goes about his day. He likes it do the exact opposite of what we tell him not to do. When we say "give me that" he takes off running. He also has what we call a "death grip". When he latches on to something he isn't supposed to have we have to pry his hands free. Screaming and throwing fits is his favorite.

15 month appointment was depressing kinda. Dr said Cash's speech is delayed. I already dreaded this.i knew he wasn't saying enough words. Shoot, the only time he says mama or dad is when he's upset. No other words just jibberish. She said she isn't too worried since he understands what we say. I will leave this one in Gods hands.