Saturday, April 28, 2012

15 months

At 15 months: Give kisses Throw away trash without being told. Loves to wipe any liquid up. When asked, "are you hungry?" goes to his high chair. Loves to try to buckle his high chair buckle. When told, "let's take a bath" he goes to the bathroom. Loves to lay in the tub and put his ears under the water. Wipes himself during diaper changes. Loves to push on his weiner as soon as you take off a diaper. He is pidgeon-toed (like his Daddy) Really getting the hang of using a fork and spoon. Loves to dip his food in ketchup. If he won't eat we put a dot of ketchup on his plate and all his food disappears! Loves to "talk" to you. Looks right at you and babbles away. When asked if he wants to slide he goes straight to his playroom. Loves to talk on the phone. He likes to listen more than anything. He is getting very shy. When I tried to show Lil K that he could do itsy bitsy spider he buried his head in my chest and wouldn't do it! Loves to play with blankest/sheets/towels over his head. Lots of curly blonde hair. 7 teeth and one more coming through.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Transition from Infant to Toddler

This is from 10/12/13 but never got published. 
So, my little baby has turned into a little boy. He has his own little personality. He loves to dance. He will bring you the TV remote for you to turn it to Sirius. He will then go turn on the stereo. He will stand dup and turn in circles but try to keep his eyes in one place. It is hilarious! He likes for me to dance with him and dip him down. Makes him laugh time. He likes top 40, light rock and classic rock (his favorite).

He LOVES to be outside and cries when we bring him inside. He goes out, immediately waves at Tango and runs right up to him. Then he picks up sticks or rocks and throws them or carries them around. When he wants to go outside he will get my shoes, grab my foot and try to put my shoes on for me all while whining. We say lets go bye-bye and he runs to the door and tries to open it.
He also likes to help me stir pots in the kitchen when I'm cooking.
We say let's take a bath and he runs right to the bathroom door. He likes to wipe his privates during diaper time.
One way I found to get him still during diaper time is to sing Itsy bitsy spider. He puts his two pointer fingers together and turns them. He also learned the " washed the spider out" part and frantically waves his hands back and forth. He is amazing me everyday. He can partially eat off a fork. Sometimes he will pick the food up and shove it on the fork and then out it into his mouth. He won't let me help him either. He has 8 teeth now. Well 7 1/2 really. Yesterday at P's parents house he said thank you! It was great to have P's parents hear him. Today he tried to drink out of my Solo cup and spilled it everywhere. He think took the cup and put it in the trash. He was angry when the trash can was closed. He is the most amazing little man and it's so bittersweet to see him growing up so fast.