Sunday, December 25, 2011

Cash's First Christmas

We started a few new traditions this year: 1. Prime Rib for Christmas dinner. 2. Christmas is for our family only. We will stay home and in our pj's all day. 3. Dad will make breakfast burritos.

Cash was blessed with lots of toys this year. Santa brought a jungle gym with a swing, a slide and a ball pit. Dad stayed up until 4am putting it together. We also got him a Baby's First Christmas ornament, bathtub toy holder, a recordable book titled I'll love you Forever and an elephant that blows balls out of his nose. Papa Tiger and NeeNaw got him a dinosaur he can ride on and push. Aunt Lil K got him an aquarium toy that you put fish in and a train that rides on a track. Aunt Big K got him a dog with a string he can pull and a blow up horse. Granny and Papa got him a keyboard, a leap frog musical book, a book called "the going to bed book", camo socks and boots and a toy cell phone. Santa put bubbles, pacifiers, a toy car, a candy cane and a sippy cup in his stocking! Lil J sent a Leap Frog fridge toy that he adores! Grandma and Grandpa Bliss got him a ball that rolls all by itself and does music and a set of sesame street books.

We are going to have to finish his play room tomorrow so we can put all his toys in there. There are too many to fit in the living room! On a sad not I took all his "baby" toys out he doesn't play with anymore. So sad :(

Saturday, December 17, 2011


For about 6 weeks Cash would wake up between 1-4 for a bottle. I went to the pediatrican for his 9 month check up and she told me to give him water when he wakes up. That very night he started sleeping through the night again. The past week he has stopped taking long naps. Now in the morning he will wake up at 8 and take a nap at 11 and sleep until 1l. Then he will be super tired in the afternoon but won't nap and won't go to sleep until 11. One night I had to put him in the car and drive around. It has driven me to my breaking point. Two nights in a row I have broke down and cried. Today I added a nap at 3 and he slept until 6. It's now 10pm and he is asleep. I guess it's back to the "sleep when he sleeps" thing we did when he was a newborn. Ugh. I an exhausted all the time. NOT tired, exhausted. I wake up at 5am, drive and hour, work 12.5 hours, drive and hour home and P doesn't understand why I'm so tired and don't want to stay up with Cash so he can go to sleep to work the next day. We constantly argue about who gets to sleep. I love that kid more than life itself but lack of sleep really leaves me with little patience. His lack of sleep makes him really whiney and all he wants you to do is hold him. Hopefully this is just a stage and once he is off the bottle things will be better.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Few and Far between

I don't think anyone reads this blog but I still feel the need to apologize for the few and far between posts. You see working 3 12 hour shifts with 2 hours of driving a day plus call and weekends is kicking my butt. I had the worst week ever and am thankful for the best husband ever. He stepped in and took care of Cash while I was at class, studying for a test I failed, got mad because I failed the test, worked the next 2 days then was on call this weekend and by Sunday I was very sick and thought I was going to die. He got my nyquil and ice cream and only griped a little. Cash is growing by leaps and bounds. He is standing by himself when he has something particularly interesting in his hands. The pediatrician sent a checklist of developmental milstones and if he is doing the things on the list. So far so good. He waves hi and bye bye and will repeat noises back and forth with you. He crawls so fast when he wants to go somewhere that he knows he isn't supposed to be going. Still no teeth though. He is walking around on everything but won't let go. He had a great Thanksgiving at granny and papa's house. He ate all kinds of stuff and LOVES pumpkin pie! He cried everytime I took it away. What can I say the kid knows good food when he tastes it. Getting ready for Christmas and just put up the tree after Cash went to sleep tonight. Don't know how long the ornaments will stay on but oh well. It's officially winter here in Texas. Temps in the 30's and 40's. Very cold. It even snowed a little this morning! I am ready after the scortching summer we had. Hopefully it will snow and Cash can enjoy it. It won't be his first snow as it was a blizzard the weekend after he was born. LOTS of snow and ice. First birthday pictures are this Friday. I am SO excited!