Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The poop fiasco.

So, I was a bad mom today.

Cash woke from his nap. I removed his diaper and put him in his crib. I like to let his bottom breathe every once in a while so I left his diaper off. I jumped in the shower. I was in for about 7 minutes. Before I even dried off I checked on him. He was sitting so quietly looking at something in his hands. I got closer and saw turds and then the poop on his hands and on his toys. I checked his mouth and sure enough poop in his mouth. I stripped his onesie off and threw him in the bathtub. Keep in mind I am naked and wet from the shower still. I cleaned his mouth and him then called posion control. Why poison control? I didn't know if it is dangerous to eat your own poop.

By the way I was told as long as it's your own poop you should be fine. You may barf but you should be ok. And the lady didn't think it was weird that my child had eaten his own poop.